notes on evaluation in education
1 Evaluation in Education
Meaning of Evaluation
Evaluation is process in which we
assess or judge the value of something or assess the quality of something. In
the field of education, evaluation is a process of determining the extend o
which the educational objectives are attained. Evaluation is an important
component of the teaching- learning process. It helps teachers and learners to
improve teaching and learning. Evaluation is making judgement about something.
It is a systematic determination of a subjects’ worth, merit or significance.
Evaluation involves assessment and
measurement. It is a wider and more inclusive term than assessment and
measurement. It can be represented as
Assessment refers to the process and
products which are used to describe the nature and extent of some attribute.
Measurement is the process of assigning numerals to objects or qualities.
Evaluation and Measurement
Evaluation is often confused with
the term measurement and both terms are used synonymously. But both are not the
same. Measurement stands for measuring the performance of the student at a
particular scale. The pattern of measurement which mostly followed in our
assessment system relates to the marking in a scale of 0-100 marks.
Measurement = quantitative description
= measurement + value judgement
is the science of collecting and ordering information about objects to be
studied. As such it should be objective and impersonal. Evaluation involves the
use of information collected by the process of measurement. If we use a ruler
and determine that a desk is 5 feet long and 3 feet wide, that is measurement.
If we then say that the desk is too large to go through an 18 inch door, which
is evaluation.
Significance of evaluation
1. Evaluation
is an important component of teaching learning process
2. Motivates
students for better learning
3. It
diagnoses strength and weakness of students
4. It
judges effectiveness of instruction
5. It
helps in determining as to how far the learning objectives can be achieved
6. It
determines the rate of progress of students
7. It
helps in classifying students
8. It
provides base for certifying the students
9. It
predicts the success of students in future
Functions of evaluation
1. Evaluation
assesses r make appraisal of educational objectives, instructional materials,
performance of teachers and learners
2. Evaluation
enhance the quality of the teacher
a. It
help the teacher to find out how far they have succeeded in their teaching
b. Evaluation
helps the teacher to adopt appropriate instructional strategies
3. Evaluation
help in clarifying the objectives
a. Teacher
will get deeper insight into various aspects to the topic
4. Evaluation
motivates the learner
a. Evaluation
is continuous that gives immediate feedback and act as a reinforcement
5. Guidance
can be given on the basis of evaluation
a. Evaluation
makes the individual differences clear
b. Specific
difficulties can be identified
6. Evaluation
can help in bringing changes in the curriculum
Different types of
In practice the following two major
category of evaluation is used in classroom setting. They are
Formative and Summative
The evaluation that will continue with the
instruction is formative evaluation and the evaluation which is done at the end
of a course of instruction is known as summative evaluation. The formative
evaluation is a feedback to the students as well as the teacher. It helps the
students in monitoring the progress of learning and teachers on the other hand
can understand the efficiency of the teaching.
The main purpose of formative evaluation
is to determine the degree of mastery of a given learning task. The learners
and teachers are helped to improve the learning process. Formative evaluation is given at regular and
frequent intervals.
The aim of summative evaluation is not to
monitor the progress of the students during instruction, but it is to assess
the overall performance of the students at the end of the course. It helps to
assign course grade or certify pupils’ mastery of the learning outcome. This
ensures for the students’ promotion, selection etc. So summative evaluation is
directed towards a much more general assessment of the degree to which the
larger and more general outcomes of learning has been obtained over the entire
Scholastic and
co-scholastic evaluation
The evaluation procure which analyse the
cognitive abilities of students are scholastic evaluation. For example
evaluation of knowledge, understanding, analysis, synthesis etc
The evaluation procedure which analyses
the factors like physical health, habits, interest and attitude of students are
co-scholastic evaluation.
The evaluation system introduced in Kerala
Evaluation of
scholastic skills (subjects)
Evaluation of
co-scholastic skills (art education, work experience, health and physical
Evaluation of personal
and social qualities
Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE)
Evaluation has to be very
comprehensive in system of evaluation which aims at many sided development of
the personality of the child. ‘The school of today’s’ concerns itself not only
with the intellectual pursuit but also with the emotional and social
development of the child, physical and mental health, his social adjustment and
other equal
is now agreed that evaluation is a continuous process, forms an integral part
of the total system of education. Several important aspects of the students’
growth that cannot be measured by written examinations and other methods such
as observation technique, oral test and practical examinations have to be
devised for collecting evidence.
concept of evaluation suggests that it should be continuous. The students must
be evaluated continuously throughout the academic year. Project works,
practical, collections, assignments, seminar internal examination etc. to be
considered while evaluating the students.
also to be comprehensive in nature. The traditional examination system evaluate
the students achievements in scholastic area only but success of an individual
depends upon his overall development of the individuality. Hence co-scholastic
area also to be considered while evaluating the students. Students’ achievement
in sports and games, arts and work experience etc. should give due importance
in evaluation. Personal and social qualities of the students also to be
considered to evaluate student’s performance.
‘continuous’ and ‘comprehensive’ evaluation implies two interrelated usages.
Continuous means evaluation of students throughout his academic career and
comprehensive means evaluation of the all aspects of the individual and group.
However it does not de-emphasis the importance of term –end evaluation. We can
summarize the modern concept of continuous and comprehensive evaluation as
Norm referenced and Criterion referenced tests
Testing is done to measure the
students’ performance after teaching with a view to find out whether the
learning has take place. Students’ performance is generally reported in terms
of mark or grades. The common practice prevailing in educational institutions
are to compare the performance of student with certain norms ie, classroom,
school, locality regional or national.
Norm referenced test
The classroom test and standardised
test that report the test performance in terms of an individual’s relative
position in the same group is called Norm referenced test. Most of our modern
testing theories are based on this norm; where in a good spread of marks is
expected so that selection and classification of students can be done.
The aim of norm referenced testing
is to rank the students in class rather than assess their attainment of special
curriculum objectives. In norm referenced measurement, a particular students
achievement is evaluated n terms of the comparison between his performance and performance
of other members of the group. It hardly gives any information regarding the
attainment of objectives by the individual learner.
PSC test
Criterion referenced test
In criterion referenced test, the
performance of student is described in behavioural terms without any reference
to the marks obtained by other students in the group. Since a criterion or
standard rather than a relative position in a normal group is used for
describing test performance, such interpretation are called criterion
In the context of mastery learning,
the method of measurement is known as criterion referenced test was emerged.
This type of testing emphasises that teachers should interpret the test results
not a comparison t the performance of the group, but in relation to a specific
performance criterion.
NET exam, Bank Test
Objective Based Evaluation
Evaluation based on pre-determined
objectives are called objective based evaluation. Objective based evaluation is
designed to help teachers organise their curriculum and to present reading to pupil in small logically sequenced
increments. Objectives of teaching constitute the pivot of any teaching
procedure. Objectives tell us what the pupil is expected to do that is the
nature of learning experience are determined by the objective under discussion.
Hence learning experiences are objective based. So developing learning
experience is the second stage in the process of teaching learning. Objectives,
learning experiences and evaluation are interrelated to each other.
based evaluation is based upon clearly defined objectives like knowledge,
understanding, application and the like.
Competency Based Evaluation
Competency based evaluation focuses
on outcomes of learning. CBE addresses what the learners are expected to do
rather than on what they are expected to learn about. CBE emerged in US in 1970’s and refer to an educational movement
and advocates defining educational goals in terms of precise measurable
description of knowledge, skills, behaviours which students should possess at
the end of the course of a study.
Competency based evaluation procedure
is specifically constructed to check the proficiency of an individual in
performing a skill in different situations.
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